Support – DON’T MS with COMMANDA!

April 12, 2024

My wife Amanda has been my partner in crime personally and professionally for the last 25 years since we met. As many people know, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in late 2013. MS is an autoimmune disease that confuses your body to attack itself by mistake. Since her diagnosis, she has been incredibly strong as she’s faced a lot of the challenges that come with MS, but all with the bulldog attitude that is quintessentially Amanda, AKA “Commanda.” 

Our staff has organized our team DON’T MS with COMMANDA to participate in a virtual run to raise funds for Race to Erase MS, whose mission is to fund MS research centers and find a treatment and ultimate cure for Multiple Sclerosis. 

We’d love for you to join us virtually and help us exceed our goal by registering HERE.

It’s a virtual run, so you can walk, run, push your stroller, and walk your dog, all at your own pace at the location and time that works best for you! We encourage anyone reading this who has been impacted by MS or wants to support Race to Erase MS in Amanda’s name and spirit to join us wherever you are for your own 5K by registering online