“Shoot For The Stars” New Print by Nevermade

August 16, 2021

My friend and co-worker Francisco Reyes just released this great print commenting on one of the things I care a lot about… the looming corrupt influence large corporations and billionaires have over our political system. Check it out!


Shoot For The Stars by Nevermade – 18 x 24 inches

The 2020 Election came and went. We survived Trump and got Biden… I’m glad orange man is out of office but I wasn’t too stoked on voting for Biden either. I was really crossing my fingers for Bernie. His stance against billionaires and support for campaign finance reform is what inspired the idea for this print. Juxtaposed with the tongue in cheek idea of the popular “Shoot The Red Star” carnival game with a BB gun.

The planet is at the mercy of huge corporations with deep pockets that easily sway politicians to vote for or against policies that will benefit them. We wont truly see change in our country until we get money out of politics. It all goes the way of the highest bidder. 

The irony is that we literally have Billionaires shooting for the stars. Elon, Bezos, Branson. I hate it here…


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