I was recently invited to the Santa Fe University of Art and Design to do a lecture and mural as part the school’s Artists for Positive Social Change series. Public Enemy did it last year, so I was proud to be the follow-up. The talk was full capacity and I enjoyed the conversation with design chair David Grey who I first met at a rave in Main 20 years ago.
Since it is an art and design school I thought it would be fitting to paint a pro-art, anti-war mural. I actually submitted the design to the University after I thought it had been rejected for a wall next to Baller Art Supply in Silverlake, another art friendly venue. Unexpectedly, Baller decided they liked the art, so there will be a different version of the concept in LA too! Santa Fe was cold… so cold that my hands were numb enough that I did not realize I had a huge blister from pushing hard on my x-acto knife until after I ran my hands under hot water for a while. Regardless, the mural turned out well and I met a lot of great students. Thanks to Dan Flores and Nicholas Bowers for working through illness to help complete the mural.
Photograph courtesy of Eric Swanson

Photograph courtesy of Luke Montavon

Photo courtesy of Chris Nail