Wrong Path print is a recognition of the challenges anyone championing environmental responsibility face as well as a comment on the potentially disastrous consequences of the shortsighted policies of Trump’s current administration. The president pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord and appointed Scott Pruitt as head of the
Environmental Protection Agency when he had a record of opposing environmental regulation and suing the EPA! We need to consider the consequences of transferring the baggage of irresponsible environmental policies to future generations. Proceeds from this print will go to
NRDC to help aid their efforts to improve environmental policies. Thanks for caring. – Shepard
Wrong Path. 18 x 24 inches. Screen print on cream Speckletone paper. Signed by Shepard Fairey. Numbered edition of 450. $55. Available Tuesday, December 5 at 10AM (PST) on in Store under Prints. Limit 1 per person/household. A portion of the proceeds with benefit NRDC.