I got an email from Fab Five Freddy last week and he casually said “cool that you got a shout out on Jay-Z’s new album”. First of all, it is pretty crazy that I know Fred since I bought his book “Fresh Fly Flavor” , a hip hop lingo dictionary, in 1990 and read about the origin of B-Boy and other phrases…. but to get the heads up that I’m mentioned on Jay-Z’s Magna Carta…Holy Grail album from him was surreal. Over the years I’ve met Evan Bernard, Haze, and Ricky Powell who were all mentioned in Beastie Boys songs and I was in awe of their status as pop culture reference points at the hands of one of my favorite groups. I’m very honored to join with them, since I’m a huge Jay-Z fan.
The song is called “Oceans” and is a collaboration between Frank Ocean and Jay-Z. I like Frank Ocean too which is a plus! The lyric goes:
“Shepard Fairey they finally gave me some hope
Can’t believe they got a nigga to vote
Democrat, nope, I sold dope”
The lyric is a reference to the Hope poster I made for Obama. Regardless of my many disappointments with Obama, especially the NSA domestic spying, I’m proud to be mentioned in relation to the Hope poster. I made the poster not just to support Obama, but to engage a younger audience that is often complacent about voting. Democracy only works right if a large percentage of those eligible vote. If everyone votes, the policies will more accurately represent every demographic. Now, the politicians pander to groups with money and high voter turnout, not to mention corporations with deep pockets. The feelings of powerlessness that many of us have are justified, but it is never justified to squander the powers we do have. Voting is one of those powers. Jay-Z get’s it.
We need to push from outside the system too, but the next step is to vote people in office who respond to the demands of the people, not just the corporations.
Thank you Jay-Z for the shout-out and to everyone who cares about evolving society.