I am supporting the Gil Fulbright campaign to help shine the light on the big lie that we’re constantly being fed…that deregulating and giving tax breaks and wasteful subsidies to cronies and special interests is good for everyday Americans. These powerful special interests finance campaigns and ads in the shadows. I fully agree with the campaign’s stance that “America’s biggest problems are going unsolved because our government is overrun by Big Money special interests and lobbyists.” The campaign rightfully assesses that, “the amount of money corrupting our political system is at an all time high, so we’re setting out to make ‘fixing the corruption’ the #1 issue in America.”
I have frequently talked about the many problems created by the current campaign finance structure. Big Money donations distort their influence in politics and corrupt our democracy. This is an issue not many Americans seem interested in, but it affects all Americans by insuring that Lobbyists and special interests are put before the interests of the average person. Genuine democracy should guarantee that politicians create the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but that idea has eroded with the favors owed by politicians to special interests in exchange for their contributions.
Campaign finance reform is essential to restoring democracy. Gil Fulbright’s “campaign” helps to illustrate why current campaign finance has compromised and corrupted quality lawmaking and governing but in a very fun, digestible way that I can only hope will resonate with the greater public. Please help contribute and raise awareness to this extremely pressing issue that we all face.
More information can be found
here . The campaign ends on 8/12 but there will be more ways to contribute to Gil’s race soon.