Why The Ocean Needs Your Voice & Mine

May 18, 2016

My friend Adrian Grenier has been doing a lot of environmental work that I have supported when I can. His piece today in Refinery29 encourages action to save the ocean. Adrian isn’t just a mouthpiece for this cause; he’s living and breathing this and trying to do his part to not only bring awareness to saving our oceans but he’s practicing what he preaches, for which I commend and support him. Adrian is the founder of the Lonely Whale Foundation, which is dedicated to bringing people closer to the world’s oceans through education and awareness. He and his team are working to inspire empathy and action for ocean health and the wellbeing of marine wildlife. I was honored to be asked to help create the Lonely Whale graphic elements and branding and lend my support for the cause.

I’m also very happy to help Adrian and the Lonely Whale team spread this message and use our collective voice and inspire action. Thanks for caring and please read Adrian’s article HERE.

– Shepard
