Last week I was in Las Vegas for the Life is Beautiful (LIB) festival. I was happy to be part of this festival which aims to bring together music, art, food, and learning in downtown Las Vegas. With the help of my crew and securing a location with the LIB curatorial arm Just Kids, I completed my Corporate Welfare mural, which in this time in the election season is a message to continue to push through. This piece is a comment on corporate subsidy. While average Americans struggle to make ends meet, many profitable industries and corporations receive tax breaks and subsidies due to the dangerously disproportionate influence corporations have on politics and policy, specifically the oil and gas industries which have continued to have a stronghold on Washington. If you want to learn more about how these corporations support the Republican party, check out the numbers from the Center for Responsive Politics HERE.
Thanks to Life is Beautiful for allowing me to take this message to the streets. And thanks for allowing me to be a part of the learning portion of the festival with my talk which was brief but well-attended. I appreciate everyone who came out to listen.
As comes with most of my public murals, the space was a little different that what we were told ahead of time, but luckily I’m used to adapting on the the fly. A massive thank you as always to my team – Dan Flores, Nicholas Bowers, Rob Zagula and Jon Furlong.
Next time you’re in Las Vegas check it out, and see Jon’s photos below. Thanks for caring!
– Shepard