The crew and I just got back from São Paulo, Brazil, where we painted this “Carga Frágil” mural as part of the NaLata Festival. It was my first time in São Paulo, but I’ve been a fan of several Brazilian artists like Os Gemeos, Speto, and Stephan Doitschinoff for years. I’d been long looking for the right project to do in São Paulo, and thanks to Luan Cardoso, who I met on the streets of Miami a few years ago, I was invited to the NaLata Festival to join many other amazing artists doing murals in the city like Bicicleta Sem Freio, Doze Green, and PichiAvo. São Paulo is one of the few cities in the world which has prohibited traditional outdoor advertising, opening up refreshing opportunities for artists to create public works. The pervasiveness and quality of murals in the neighborhood where I painted was incredibly inspiring and I’m grateful to add my voice to the mix.
My mural is about cultivating justice, focusing on the need for environmental justice to keep our planet healthy. Brazil is the home of the largest Amazonian rainforest, one of the most important sources of oxygen for planet earth. We are all stewards of the planet, so I hope the mural can serve as a reminder that we must protect the earth’s fragile cargo for future generations.
The two walls are quite big… 8 stories high by about 75 feet wide. I could not have completed this project in 5 days without the help of my crew of Nic Bowers, Dan Flores, Rob Zagula, and Luka Densmore. Also, Jon Furlong for great photos, video, and miscellaneous errands. Thanks guys! Luan, Luiz, Juliano, and Giulia from the NaLata Festival were incredible hosts and had a great team working with them. Lastly, I met tons of local artists who were very friendly, welcoming, and generously gave me hugs, stickers, tee shirts, and other gifts. I was genuinely moved by the warmth of so many São Paulo locals! I will definitely be back to explore more of the city and the rest of Brazil.