Be The Change

Offset Print
24 x 36 inches
Edition of N/A
January 19, 2017
$100 - Sold Out


Be The Change is a piece that I made to celebrate the Inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden back in 2009. I have some of these prints leftover and wanted to release them now, as the Obama administration leaves the White House.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the We The People campaign, which I consider an embodiment of the concept of Be The Change. It’s a nice end of one era, feeding into the era of another. While I didn’t agree with every single move that President Obama made, I feel that he cares about all human beings, not just the super rich and powerful. The incoming administration has a very different outlook. We the People is a push for everyone to remember our common humanity. A very limited amount of these are left over but a good commemoration. Thanks for caring and please continue to be the change.
Be The Change. 24 x 36 inches. Offset Print (Thick). Signed by Shepard Fairey. $100. Available Thursday, January 19 at 10AM (PST) on in Store under Prints. Limit 1 per person/household.