Black Hills Paster Kit

September 01, 2012


10,  24 x 36 inch folded Offset Pasters for wheat pasting.   Not signed or numbered.

“Shepard and I made these offset paster kits as a way for people to get involved beyond having a poster on their door, or saving a collectors print.  Its time to get your hands dirty.  We hope that people will take these kits and make the issue visible in public spaces instead of keeping the image and message in their homes.
Just this past week a large piece of the Black Hills went up for sale ( and is currently being held for a possible back room private sale to avoid controversy (
After more than 150 years of broken treaties the fight for Native rights to sacred lands continues.
Every pack of these pasters that goes out makes the issue more visible, and the money from the sale of these packs will continue to fund the purchase and printing of the message that we must “Honor The Treaties” and “The Black Hills Are Not For Sale.”  ~Aaron Huey

$15.  Only 100 kits will be sold.

Release date: 9/4/2012 at 10am


1) Purchase wallpaper paste at local hardware store.

2) Mix paste with water stirring continuously in a 5 gallon bucket (not too thick, not too thin)

3) Apply paste to surface using paste brush or small janitor broom (smooth surfaces work best)

4) Place poster on surface and brush right over it

5) Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles.  Jet.

6) Get tech and use a telescopic extension pole (brooms use screw in attachments like rollers)

7) Failure to obey local ordinances may result in prosecution (the powers that be do not approve of you subverting the dominant paradigm)

Paste at your own risk!