My new body of work, Power & Glory, debuted last week in my hometown of Charleston, S.C., alongside a selection of works by Jasper Johns in the exhibit titled “The Insistent Image: Recurrent Motifs in the Art of Shepard Fairey and Jasper Johns.” It was truly an honor to show my work with an artist that has inspired me, and being a fellow Southerner, allowed me to feel like I had a place in the art world. To be embraced by the city of Charleston in the way that I was and to have my artwork displayed in the public sphere without the threat of arrest, is something I would have never expected earlier in my career. I spent much of May in the city working with my team and the Halsey team to make this all come to fruition and into a GIANT success. It was a huge undertaking and I couldn’t do it without the help of Mark Sloan and his wonderful team, Dan Flores, Nicholas Bowers, Z James, Rob Zagula, Jon Furlong, Angela Chvarak and everyone else that helped the project come together. During my stay I was able to see many old friends and family and I’m so thankful that I got to share my art and the message behind Power & Glory. The decline of the “American Dream” is a reality that we all face and I hope that my work has helped bring some of the issues causing the fall to the forefront.
Check out this video by Brett Novak about my art and the messages explored in this exhibition.