Obey Giant / The Art of Shepard Fairey

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Sign SB 1047

We waited too long to regulate social media, and we’ve all seen the fallout — disinformation, deep fakes, and Big Tech getting too big to regulate. Now, AI is advancing even faster, and if we don’t act, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Governor Newsom now has a choice. He can stand up for the people of California and the world, or he can let Big Tech continue to make its own rules and sideline the democratic process. SB 1047, an AI regulation bill, is sitting on his desk, and I’m urging him to sign it.

The bill is common sense. It requires companies to test their AI systems for dangerous risks before they’re unleashed and protects whistleblowers who speak out. SB1047 doesn’t tackle every issue with AI, but it puts in place essential safeguards that are obviously necessary to prevent AI disasters before they happen.

Corporate slogans like “Don’t be evil” don’t mean much without accountability. We’ve seen Google walk away from that commitment. Now we have to decide what kind of future we want: one that enables unchecked corporate greed or one where safety and transparency come first.

Governor Newsom, this is your moment to make history. Will you stand with the people and lead?

Join me in encouraging Gavin Newsom to sign this bill by texting SAFE AI to 50409


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