“Vote For Justice” Mural in Cincinnati, Ohio

September 20, 2024

The crew and I just finished a three-story mural in the Over the Rhine district of Cincinnati. This “Vote for Justice” mural is a reminder that participating in democracy by voting is a crucial way to shape our society and push for our ideals. Peace and freedom are important principles for me, and the freedom of every eligible voter to do so peacefully without intimidation is essential for a healthy democracy. While in Ohio, my team and I also pasted up about 35 large get-out-the-vote images in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, and Springfield. We met amazing people in each city, and the Ohio hospitality was deeply appreciated. We were very fortunate to have the support of ArtsVote Ohio, ArtWorks Cincinnati, The Greater Columbus Arts Council, and Democracy and the Arts, and the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Dayton. Thank you to my crew, Dan Flores, Rob Zagula, and Jon Furlong, for their hard work—photo by Jon Furlong.